Sophia srls

SOPHIA is a company operating in the north of Bari, an area characterized by environmental, social and cultural problems. SO was born from a winning project of the PIN-Puglia Region CALL with the aim of creating a coworking space to develop skills, increase the possibility of collaboration, grow your business and share values and ideas. SO provides support and training services to 2 main categories of learners: Adults at risk of social exclusion, NEETs, teachers and trainers in public and private schools. Since 2018 we have been organizing: training courses for the development of basic skills (computer literacy, language courses) training programs to improve the key competences of adults; professional development courses for teachers. SO is made up of 3 founding members, 8 members of the teaching staff and 15 volunteer collaborators. We have working contacts with various NGOs, schools, regional and national organizations and companies.